“Be fruitful and multiply (Gen. 1:22)…”Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom.” (Luke 12:32)
Being fruitful and multiplying in the Kingdom that the Lord has given us is a heart desire for most if not all of us. Our ministry of preparing leaders in the 21st century and taking the whole word to the whole world will be enhanced as we move into our (for us) new facilities…which is 90% done….praise the Lord!
Just got home from Australia (jet lagging a bit), which was wonderful…with Pastors Mike and Kelley Groom, Dr. Denis and Ros Plant, Pastor Shane Conlon, Dr. Ken and Alison Chant and Sharon Jones, and a special visit from Dr. Gail Stathis…Joan, Rebecca, Kaitlyn and I had a wonderful time “Down Under”.
As I stated in last month’s update, the past few months have been harvest time for Vision…new building, new opportunities. We continue to take care of what the Lord has entrusted to us, as we continue with our two pronged focus.
Vision International University
- Preparing International leaders through degree granting programs, with a special emphasis on the nations of the world
Vision International Training and Education Network
- With our Vision School of Ministry for local church training,Walk in Wisdom seminars, various equipping seminars and on line certificate course,counseling outreach, church planting and dynamic publishing…taking the whole word to the whole world.
We are in the final stages of moving into our new facilities (more below and look for the video next week) and preparing for our start of school launch. Here is what is up and coming for your prayerful consideration.
On the Agenda
Over the next few weeks we will be very busy…so please keep us in prayer. Here is a bit of a picture for you.
- Conference September 12-14, Dayton, OH with Dr. Lee Stutzman, home for 3 days, then
- Maryland for the Harvest Conference with Dr. Manon Gurley September 20-23, and then off to
- South Africa for conferences with Dr. Robert Munion and Dr. Kobin Archary, September 24-October 9, with Michael Ales.After a few days home, back to
- Maryland with Pastor Shawn Murphy at Calvary Chapel International Worship Center in Glen Burnie.
On the Home Front
In terms of the building, we have had to expand the stairs on the modular building, and all painting is done or soon will be and paid for. We will need tile in the bathrooms and kitchen, and we found some dry rot in the modular that must be taken care of, adding an additional $5,000 to our costs, and we are trusting the Lord to provide.
Dr. Joshua Reichard has completed a prototype of our new web page, and I anticipate a final version within a month. It is outstanding…and will move us forward and strengthen our ability to market our ministry more effective. Once that is completed, we can start our social media and other marketing campaign.
The staff vacation is over, and we will be fully operational after Labor day…pray for all the details to come together in its final format….thanks. Again, please keep an eye out for a video update…probably this Tuesday.
We are still in need of help to:
- Finish the painting of the modular building
- Tile the bathrooms and kitchen
- Carpet for the offices (completed)
- Upgrade the Electric for full functionality (completed)
- Move our offices from my house, to include the phone system, internet, etc…no small task. (completed…yea!)
- Get a new sign for the Vision International Center (in process)
- Finish the ramp extension.
So, please keep us in prayer, and especially pray for a continued flow of generous givers to help us finish this phase…then we can concentrate on Accreditation! Praying for you to have a wonderful completion of summer and beginning of Fall (as hot as it has been, it cannot come too soon!
We pray for all our Gideon 300 members…and we are so grateful for generous givers like you. Please consider a gift to help us reach the world…your gifts help us fulfill the Vision of Vision…taking the whole word to the whole world, and Preparing leaders in the 21st Century. Again, thanks for your kindness, generosity and faithfulness.
Dr Stan