Our history with MTEE (originally Ministry to Eastern Europe, now Ministry to Educate and Equip) goes back to the early 90’s. We partnered with MTEE to provide curriculum, instructors, and degree granting services for their ministry, which was reaching hundreds of men and women who wanted to study and prepare for Christian service.

Over the years, we have seen thousands of students graduate, resulting in innumerable souls being won, as well as churches and ministries started.
MTEE, now under the leadership of our dear friend and Vision graduate Dr.Ron Bernier, and Administrator Valya Grenchuk who just had a baby boy! The ministry is still thriving, although not without hard times.

At one point, we were averaged over 1500 students annually. Now the student totals are just over 800, mostly due to the war with Russia and the devastated economy. Nonetheless, the faithful Vision teachers trek to over 30 church-based seminar schools around the country every weekend, teaching the hungry and expanding the Kingdom of God.
Exciting… but more could be done.
This trip (last week) I had the privilege of working with our team leaders there, teaching on Conflict Management in our Doctoral program in Leadership. It was a wonderful time, a very short trip, but it was well worth the time.
Ukraine, like many of our World Zones, has more than enough students to work with, but they lack the resources to reach out to other churches in need. Transportation to the churches is expensive, let alone the cost of printing books and distribution of the same to the various sites.
Further, Vision certainly makes its contribution to the outreach there. We provide a 95% scholarship to the students and receive only 10% of that to cover our office expenses in Ramona.
We are not complaining…the Kingdom is advancing. We are just pointing out what a wonderful opportunity Ukraine would make for someone to underwrite their needs; to replace antiquated computers, provide transportation, and support their US office in Atlanta.
This is something to pray about at the least.
If you are interested in supporting our Russian language outreach in Eastern Europe and North America, please let me know.
Or donate at:
In this Vision Update….
We are announcing that May is Vision’s “Chaplaincy Certification Month“. Get a sneak peak our special time-sensitive release and the free three-part teaching series.
We will release the teaching series by yours truly … followed by the opening of our initial class. We will open the class for one week only, then the doors will close. When another class will be formed has yet to be determined, but this introductory price may not be repeated when we do.
This class has a very special reduced price and several FREE gifts, all for a ridiculously LOW price to be announced soon. For a sneak peak at our coming release, and for an opportunity to sign up for the free teachings… Click here.