Vision Publishing has been extremely busy! Our authors are taking the whole word to the whole world and impacting the kingdom through their writing. New books in the process of publication include but not limited to the following….
- Called to Be Victorious by author Rev. Robert Harper of Ohio,
- Our Rich Root, Kingdom Promises for The Kingdom Age, A Christocentric Interpretation of the Prophets by Dr. Stan Newton, American missionary to Bulgaria (cover not available)
- Behind the Door,The Spiritual Principles and Success Strategies That Made Me A Millionaire by Dr. Leon Stutzman, Dayton, Ohio (cover not available)
- Fit For Engagement, A Spiritual Warfare Manual For The Twenty First Century by Rev.George Runyan of San Diego, CA (cover not available)
- Peaceful Pursuit, Chaplain Ministry, and Passing the Baton, all by Dr. Stan DeKoven