Johnny is an old man who plays Santa for the under-served every year. Johnny’s message is always the same, whether he’s with the kids or at his favorite watering hole; People who ask for more, never have enough but people who ask for enough never need more. God visits Johnny as a traveling writer at the bar and recruits Johnny to use his message for others before he moves on to his eternal reward.
Vision Update April 2019
Our history with MTEE (originally Ministry to Eastern Europe, now Ministry to Educate and Equip) goes back to the early 90’s. We partnered with MTEE to provide curriculum, instructors, and degree granting services for their ministry, which was reaching hundreds of men and women who wanted to study and prepare for Christian service.

Over the years, we have seen thousands of students graduate, resulting in innumerable souls being won, as well as churches and ministries started.
MTEE, now under the leadership of our dear friend and Vision graduate Dr.Ron Bernier, and Administrator Valya Grenchuk who just had a baby boy! The ministry is still thriving, although not without hard times.

At one point, we were averaged over 1500 students annually. Now the student totals are just over 800, mostly due to the war with Russia and the devastated economy. Nonetheless, the faithful Vision teachers trek to over 30 church-based seminar schools around the country every weekend, teaching the hungry and expanding the Kingdom of God.
Exciting… but more could be done.
This trip (last week) I had the privilege of working with our team leaders there, teaching on Conflict Management in our Doctoral program in Leadership. It was a wonderful time, a very short trip, but it was well worth the time.
Ukraine, like many of our World Zones, has more than enough students to work with, but they lack the resources to reach out to other churches in need. Transportation to the churches is expensive, let alone the cost of printing books and distribution of the same to the various sites.
Further, Vision certainly makes its contribution to the outreach there. We provide a 95% scholarship to the students and receive only 10% of that to cover our office expenses in Ramona.
We are not complaining…the Kingdom is advancing. We are just pointing out what a wonderful opportunity Ukraine would make for someone to underwrite their needs; to replace antiquated computers, provide transportation, and support their US office in Atlanta.
This is something to pray about at the least.
If you are interested in supporting our Russian language outreach in Eastern Europe and North America, please let me know.
Or donate at:
In this Vision Update….
We are announcing that May is Vision’s “Chaplaincy Certification Month“. Get a sneak peak our special time-sensitive release and the free three-part teaching series.
We will release the teaching series by yours truly … followed by the opening of our initial class. We will open the class for one week only, then the doors will close. When another class will be formed has yet to be determined, but this introductory price may not be repeated when we do.
This class has a very special reduced price and several FREE gifts, all for a ridiculously LOW price to be announced soon. For a sneak peak at our coming release, and for an opportunity to sign up for the free teachings… Click here.
Vision Update March 2019
Marching into Our Destiny
Matt. 3: 17 “and behold, a voice from heaven said, This is my beloved son, with whom I am well pleased.”
Well, March is the beginning of Spring…for most of us it marks the end of a bit of a crazy winter. One sign of the change is the springing forward of daylight savings time. I am not sure it saves us any time, but it does seem to make the days longer, and I for one like it still being light out when I get home.
March also speaks of March madness for many; the basketball playoffs are soon to begin, and the baseball season is not far away. Ah, Spring!
I can only assume that Jesus baptism seemed to be just an event in the crazy changes that were happening in Israel at the time of John the Baptist. He was preaching repentance, challenging the religious leaders to shape up, and preparing the way for the King. Crazy times indeed, but often in the midst of crazy God is at work, doing little things that are significant, even world altering.
Up until his baptism, Jesus was a faithful son, brother, worker, head of the family since his step father had passed. He had done nothing significant that we know of with his life. Yet, in an act of simple obedience, he is baptized, and heaven declares that the Father is pleased with the son…not for what he has done, or even what he will eventually do, but simply because he is the Father’s son.
What most of us wouldn’t give to hear words like that spoken over us…by a natural father or mother, or even from a trusted spiritual leader. Perhaps one of the missing ingredients in the average believers’ life is the knowledge that they are not average, or insignificant, or unworthy…but they are beloved as well. In fact, we are who God says we are, thus it is essential that we know who we are, and that is the focus of much of my writing…from Journey to Wholeness to I Want to Be Like You Dad to this months special offering on Identity. If you know who you are, you will know what to do…and Jesus, knowing he was the beloved son, went about doing good (God stuff), healing, delivering, teaching and training, for the glory of his Father, and as an example for us to follow…in our own unique way. Remember, as he is, so are we in this world! (1 John 4: 17)
I hope, if you have not gotten the book Claim Your Identity, you will…and that this Spring you will remember that you are just like Jesus already, in your spirit, and becoming more like him in your soul and even you body as you renew your mind and walk in his precepts.
This Month
This month I am continuing my new blog…a vlog, with written blog, based upon one of my books. This months offering is based upon my book Claim Your Identity I am hopeful that the book and the teaching will be a blessing to all who read and watch…I want to encourage you to also check it out at
Brief Update
On April 6, Vision will launch a special night of worship, word and personal ministry for the Ramona community in our new building. We are excited about this first outreach to our community…the first of many Ephesus Center outreaches. I will be lead by new partners in ministry, Dennis and Lelani Songer, and a host of others. Please keep us in your prayers as we work to see Jesus name lift up in Ramona.
I just returned from a quick day in Redding, meeting with Dr Harold and Linda Eberle, and also the leadership of Bethel School of the Supernatural. We are working on some potential partnerships, for Africa and maybe more. This will be similar to the partnership we have with other major ministries…especially Charis Bible College in Woodland Park, CO. and ISOM.
Thanks for Your Continued Faithfulness
As I hope you know, without faithful givers such as yourself, we could not do the life transforming work we do. This month, your generous gift of of any size will helped us plant new colleges in the nations through our Bible College in a Box, and helped educate leaders in the nations. I will give you more information on specific blessings you are providing through your generous giving in Aprils Gideon 300 update.
Continued Reminder
Again, by way of not too subtle reminder, we continue to take care of what the Lord has entrusted to us, as we continue with our two-pronged focus:
Vision International University:
Preparing International leaders through degree granting programs, with a special emphasis on the nations of the world
and the Vision International Training and Education Network:
- With our Vision School of Ministry for local church training,
- Walk in Wisdom seminars, various equipping seminars and on-line certificate course,
- counseling outreach, church planting and dynamic publishing…
- taking the whole word to the whole world.
We are still in need of help for:
- Repairs on the foundation, and Flooring for the Fellowship hall and my office in the main building will begin when we dry out…hopefully in the next couple of weeks.
- Wisdom for the Launch of our on line Chaplaincy program, Coaching program, and also my weekly Tuesday Night teaching (which we hope to live stream) from Ramona.
So, please keep us in prayer, and especially pray for a continued flow of generous givers to help in our journey, and concentrate on Accreditation! Praying for you to have a peace pursuing 2019 for the glory of God.
We pray for all our Gideon 300 members…and we are so grateful for generous givers like you. Your gift, large of small, helps is to fulfill the Vision of Vision…taking the whole word to the whole world, and Preparing leaders in the 21st Century. Again, thanks for your kindness, generosity and faithfulness.
I hope you enjoy this months Vision Update. Also, speaking check out Apostle George Runyan’s book “Fit for Engagement”
It is excellent! Blessings.
Dr Stan
From the Desk of Dr. Stan
Each year, by the grace of God, I get to speak at various conferences. This March I will be in Houston, TX with soon to be Dr. Lora Allison. Her conference this year is titled, Flaming Purpose. The primary focus of the conference is worship, intercession and the prophetic…which should be a lot of fun and dynamic. What will definitely happen here is men and women will be activated into the gifts of God in them, for the benefit of all in attendance and for the glory of God.
Seeing people activated is a big part of what Vision does…we equip, we train, we educate, and our sincere hope and prayer is that they are activated into areas of gifting that bless the body of Christ. Thanks for your prayers.
Also, beginning March 6 is the California 40 Days of Hope ( …and if any state needs hope it is California…and if you have a few minutes, please lift us up in prayer. I hope you will check it out, and enjoy this month’s Vision Update. Blessings.
Vision Publishing
Vision Publishing has been extremely busy! Our authors are taking the whole word to the whole world and impacting the kingdom through their writing. New books in the process of publication include but not limited to the following….
- Called to Be Victorious by author Rev. Robert Harper of Ohio,
- Our Rich Root, Kingdom Promises for The Kingdom Age, A Christocentric Interpretation of the Prophets by Dr. Stan Newton, American missionary to Bulgaria (cover not available)
- Behind the Door,The Spiritual Principles and Success Strategies That Made Me A Millionaire by Dr. Leon Stutzman, Dayton, Ohio (cover not available)
- Fit For Engagement, A Spiritual Warfare Manual For The Twenty First Century by Rev.George Runyan of San Diego, CA (cover not available)
- Peaceful Pursuit, Chaplain Ministry, and Passing the Baton, all by Dr. Stan DeKoven
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