Vision Update…from South Africa
Dear Friend of Vision…and me!
I am writing this brief letter from South Africa, where I will be ministering for the next 10 days. I must say I am already missing Joan…but it is also great to know that I have a partner that more than understands, she fully embraces my call and sacrifice.
I am here for two reasons. First, to strengthen the leadership of our International outreach here in Southern Africa. We have many schools here, and in Zambia, Namibia, etc. Dr. Kobin Archary, our Director has done an outstanding job. We are seeing much growth in the programs we can offer here, and the best days are still ahead. He has organized a busy itinerary for me, including two Vision Graduations. I will be speaking about 10 times over the next few days, so thanks again for your prayers for me and Vision.
As you know, VISION INTERNATIONAL is an educational ministry designed to assist in the task of “equipping the saints for the work of the ministry,” (Ephesians 4:12). In essence, we are here to equip the equipper (provide to the local church leadership) the tools necessary to equip the saints of God. Our International Network of Bible Colleges in local churches spans the globe, working with pastors to develop quality-training centers for their congregation. VISION, established in 1974, has over 4,000 campuses in 140+ nations, serving thousands of students worldwide. Also, through Vision International University and our degree programs, we are raising up leaders in the 21st century. It is always an honor for me to pioneer the work in new areas and nurture the schools God has allowed us to begin.
Again, I want to thank you for your faithfulness in your generous giving to Vision. Without faithful partners like you, we could not do what we do…or at least as well. Your gifts, whatever size, is good seed into excellent soil, and blessings returned to the giver. Your gifts are being used to support our international student body and the planting of local churches around the globe.
Brief Story
I was just with our South East Asia Director, Dr. Paul Ai and his wonderful wife Ruth. We were ministering together at the Harvest International Ministerial Fellowship gathering, sponsored by The Tabernacle Church, and our Board of Regents member and Francophone Director Dr. Manon Gurley. Paul shared on the many schools, located in the deep jungles of Myanmar, Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia, along with outreaches in Malaysia and Indonesia, where literally hundreds of students are studying our materials in English or their own language. Most of the translation of these materials have been done by volunteers…but they are effective, and of course, more is needed. Paul teaches in intensive seminars, and from the teaching plants churches around the region …
Oh yes, Vision in Ramona is not holding its breath in terms of tuition sharing…there is no money to share, which is why your donations are so important…and we are believing God for benefactors to under write language groups, so we can increase our outreach and effectiveness for the Kingdom of God.
Finally, please continue to pray for our transition to the new offices and the most judicious usage of our new campus. We have lots of ideas, but really want the mind of Christ fully. We still need help to finish some of the work on the property, but all is well, and we are grateful.
Again, thank you for your gift, for which no goods or services were provided, which helps us take the whole word to the whole world.
Blessings from South Africa. Enjoy the articles in this month’s update, brought to you with excellence by Dr. Kathy Smith, our Director of Communications and Publishing.
Dr Stan