Mathematics was always a grind for me at school, along with physics, chemistry, and geometry. But writing, I could do. Composition was a breeze. Parsing was fun. Essays were a pleasant challenge to a boy’s creative imagination. Unsurprisingly, in high school I became editor of the school’s quarterly magazine and its annual journal. I sat near the top of the class in anything having to do with language and literature. Indeed, had I been a little less lazy and less curious about too many other things, I probably would have topped the class in English. ERRRR…
So, again unsurprisingly, I had no sooner become a pastor in my early 20s than I began to search for ways to preach and teach through writing. My first outlet was the denominational journal, Revivalist, of which I became editor, and for many years wrote at least one article every month.

Then came a real challenge: write a set of lecture notes for a new Bible College, on the theme of Justification. I glibly agreed, only to discover that gaining an intellectual grasp of the subject was a simple matter, but getting a revelation of what it truly meant was vastly different. So, I begged leave to postpone the effort until the final term of the school year. It was granted, and I began to toil most diligently, striving, not just to understand “justification” in my mind, but to get it burning, dazzling, alive deep in my soul. I laboured for several weeks, until suddenly, one morning I knew – I knew what it meant to be justified by faith in Christ alone, apart from any work of my own. I knew it with every fiber of my being. I knew it body, soul, and spirit. I knew absolutely that I was truly, eternally, utterly justified in the sight of God, simply because, and only because, I believed heartily in Christ!
I jumped up from my desk, ran down the passage into the kitchen, and began waltzing Alison around the table, declaring, “Eureka! I know what it means to be justified! I know what it means!” When I was calm again, it was back to my desk and typewriter, and finishing the notes that would carry me through 12 hours of lectures in the final term. Some 60 years later, that joy in the knowledge of justification still throbs inside me.
From there, I went on to write probably more than half the curriculum the college was using at that time for its two-year diploma programme – several hundred pages of lecture notes.
Because of all that knowledge and experience, the national executive of my denomination asked me to write a book that would give people a clear introduction to our basic beliefs, the fundamental doctrines that undergirded the entire movement. The result was This We Believe, which, in 170 pages and nine chapters, summarised our biblical foundations. That book remained in print for many years, although I think it has now been superseded.
Then, in 1974 in Tasmania (where Alison and I lived for 15 years and pioneered several new churches), having discovered a need for local churches to be able to teach their people without sending them away to a distant Bible college, we decided to establish a Bible correspondence course. I had discovered, too, that while I found it impossible truly to visualise myself as the pastor of a large church, I could easily see Alison and myself establishing a Bible college that would girdle the earth! So, we adopted the brave if not arrogant motto, The Whole Word to the Whole World, which is still the College slogan. So, I set about writing the first book, The Authenticity and Authority of the Bible. Since then, I have added some 50 books to the curriculum, and Alison has written several of her own.
Among her efforts, she decided to redo This We Believe, to make it more general, to expand it, and to reshape it to fit our college curriculum. The result is the book we now call Dynamic Christian Foundations.
We think it is an ideal book for new Christians, or for people who have never done any serious Bible study. It introduces readers to the basic doctrines of the Christian faith, shows them how to analyse scripture, and lays a foundation for a strong and firm Christian life.
Do you want a Christian life? Do you want a dynamic Christian life? Then this book will provide a foundation upon which to build it!