Greetings in Jesus name. The past few days have been a whirlwind, with the loss of my father, and necessary changes in my schedule…but God is good, all the time, and he gives grace and strength.

Speaking of fathers, mine was good, great sometimes, a pain others, consistently inconsistent, but loved me, this I know. Better than some, not as good as others, but as we both agreed, this was his first time fathering…his dad did his best, he did his, I am trying to do mine…and grandkids are the best! Another type of father is a spiritual one, who loves and encourages, corrects as necessary, and is covenantal in all things.
In this Vision update, you will be reading an article from the genuine article, a visionary spiritual father and my friend, Dr. Warren Reeve. His article titled “What Happens on the Inside When it Blows Up on the Outside?” is outstanding, filled with wisdom, from a father’ heart….I know it will be a blessing…and thanks again to everyone for their prayers and support during our time of loss.
Dr Stan