A Word On Writing
From Dr. Ken Chant
Several steps are necessary to bring your vision to the market place. The level of completion of your project will determine how much of our expertise will be needed to assist you.
1. Evaluation. As with any work, a thorough assessment of your planned or developed work must be made. There is no cost to you for an evaluation of your ideas, cd’s or manuscript. Send it in Word Format files and we will begin.
2. Confirmation Letter. Upon receipt of your material, we will send you an email confirming its arrival and include some preliminary assessments. You will also receive a hard and fast bid on bringing your work to completion, embodying all charges, including transcription (if needed), editing, cover design, printing, and marketing (if requested). We believe in absolute clarity and integrity in all our dealings, as this is both a service and a ministry to the body of Christ.
3. Manuscript Development. Once we have agreed upon the terms of our collaboration, we will begin the process of transcribing (as needed) and/or proofing the draft of your manuscript. If a title has not been designated, we will suggest several. The choice is always yours. The completed “smooth” rough draft of the manuscript will be forwarded to you for your comments, changes and/or approval.
4. Cover Design, Copyright, and ISBN number. Once you approve of the content of the manuscript and final editing is completed, our expert graphics team will design a cover, which will be forwarded to you for approval.
We welcome any special desires you may have, and will incorporate your wishes into a dynamite cover. This is an important step, as the cover sells the book and opens the door for your extended ministry.
Also, an ISBN number will be assigned at a nominal charge to you. Remember: You are the author and you are the one with all rights to your work. We do not tie up your work for five or ten years; it is your work and you deserve the control and the profits.
A variety of bindings and sizes are available. Your printed books will be sent directly to you, the author for sales, unless designated as part of our Vision International Training and Education Network (for textbooks only). We can help you print one or a thousand copies depending on your needs and market.
6. Marketing. As a Christian Leader, your best market is your congregation, denomination, family and friends. We can also do press releases for a nominal fee. In certain cases, depending upon the author, size of congregation, etc., we can assist you in pre-selling your work, thus raising needed finances prior to printing. Call us for more information.
7. Personal Book Mentor Program — For those who have always wanted to write their own book but simply don’t know where to start, we have a program that will make it as easy as 1 – 2- 3.
8. Additional Services. For students of Vision International University (or another such school) who have a completed Masters thesis or Doctoral dissertation, we can turn your thesis into a book.
We have several printing options for getting your book into paperback or created as an E-book. We work with both Lightening Source and Amazon KDP so give us a call or send us info on our contact page and let’s discuss the best option for your next book.
We would be honored to assist you in the expansion of your ministry. To get started, all it takes is to contact our office or send in your manuscript, CD’s, etc. with a letter stating your wishes. Our Director, Kathy Smith, will contact you once it has been received, and will get the process started.
Now may be the time to move to a new level of ministry. We are here to help you
Write your Vision for the world to see.
Stan DeKoven, Ph.D.
Vision Publishing
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