Author: McGeorge, John
A Christian Worldview For Living: Developing and Promoting a Christian worldview of Life and Culture
“How can Christians invade the spirit of this world and transform it into the likeness of God’s truth? The answer is quite simple: every believer must develop a Christian worldview that encompasses every area of life which is God’s will. They must take the time to develop a Christian mindset based upon God’s living Word and nothing else.
Too many believers are unable to intelligently present a Biblical understanding of the world which then allows for non-believers to advance their worldview based lies, error and heresies rather than the Light of the Truth only found in God’s Word. Because God’s Word is eternal and man’s word is not; His Word will overcome every lie, error and heresy to stop the darkness from advancing over every nation, culture and individual. God’s Word brings life, freedom and innumerable blessings wherever it is rooted in any society.
Dr. McGeorge discusses nearly 40 different topics such as life and death, war and peace, education, money, family, politics and so many other topics from a Christen and Biblical perspective. Every Christian should be well versed in all of these Biblical truths. If believers are to command the dialogue and arguments for godly change, knowing, proclaiming and living out God’s truth is absolutely essential. The good news is that every believer can develop a Christian understanding of life and all that it entails by knowing what God’s Word says on each of the topics presented You will then be able to advance God’s cause through a loving, spirit-filled answer to any question that you face in life.”