Author: Alison Chant
From the author: Recently I began to meditate on what it really means to love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength. From that thought arose many other thoughts, some of which I have included in this book. I trust that you will benefit from the ideas I have uncovered and that you will understand a little more of what it means to love the Lord your God with all that lies within you.
We find in scripture God’s principles on which to build a stable Christian life. A life that is neither hyper spiritual and fanatical on the one hand, nor less than spiritual; lacking in prayer and the reading of the Word, on the other. Between the two there remains a balanced, strong and decisive Christian life which is pleasing to the Lord. My hope is that you will agree with my findings and enjoy this kind of life continuing to love the Lord with all your heart, soul, mind and strength and your neighbour as yourself. Alison Chant
Foreword: This book, A Life of Balance- Nuggets for a Successful Walk with God, is a transformation prescription for success, balance, or stability, in Christian life, which can only be found in a deep knowledge of Jesus Christ. It is spiritual food for the soul. If we love God, Body, Soul, Spirit, and Strength, we obey and apply his instructions, which results in victories and successes.
Throughout the Bible, God said to his people: “If you will do, I will do as well; and if you don’t, I won’t …” So, the book speaks about following his instructions and his response to obedience, which will bring God’s blessings; or, if people disobey, his curses. Sadly, God’s chosen people often try to obey in their own strength, which always results in failure, while the Holy Spirit teaches us to hide his word in our hearts so that we won’t sin against him (Psalm 119). As a result, it is in the strength of the Lord that we can do all things. When we surrender to The Great Physician, he brings Divine Healing to us – in Body, Soul, and Spirit. He is the answer to whatever the need is, and he reveals himself to those who diligently seek him. The God who cares brings healing and transformation to our lives when we apply his Word.
Alison, who is a Spiritual Mother to many, has a unique approach to leading God-seekers step-by-step on a spiritual journey of discovery of God. In the process, she causes us to look at self in a realistic and honest way. When we seek God with our whole heart, we discover a loving and caring God who is well-pleased in those who delight in him.
This inspiring book will motivate God’s children to become a people ready to do whatever it takes to come to a place of knowing him in an intimate and personal way. Another of Alison’s books, Divine Healing, The Wonder and the Mystery, was an inspiration to our congregation and to our School of Ministry. The result was many miracles and testimonies. It made a difference in the lives of those who believed and received, raising a new level of faith.
Without a doubt, this new book, A Life of Balance- Nuggets for a Successful Walk with God, is also a life-transforming prescription.
Foreword written by Senior Pastor Dr. Manon Gurley Tabernacle Church. Laurel.