Author: DeKoven, Dr. Stan
As a young boy, I lived with a few assumptions…God is…mom and dad will always be there…food, clothing, and shelter, never in abundance, but always available, would be magically provided, and the New York Yankees would win The World Series (remember, this was the early 60’s). Well, life was not always bliss, but I assumed it was good. I had little self-consciousness, did not worry about self-esteem, was not that self-aware or self-assured…just a kid with some assumptions…
Of course, as we mature, or at least get older, life becomes more complex and problems arise, like the inability to hit the curve ball. This often erodes our sense of worth as human beings. Consequently, our lack of positive self-acceptance, even after coming to faith in Christ can be dragged into our spiritual life, creating inner conflict and problems relating to God and others. The solution to this problem is not self-help formulas or years of psychotherapy; but knowing who you are in Christ. If you know who you are, then you will know what to do… living life from a place of peace in Christ.
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