Author: Hill, Jim
Demons are real. The spiritual world is real, and the far greater and more important reality is that God is real, but the reality of demons is a matter of considerable consequence as well. We cannot easily defeat what we do not realize is attacking us nor understand, therefore, it is wise to know that demons exist: to know that they are, what they are, how they come into our lives, how to cast them out, and how to stay free of them.Pastor Jim Hill has been used of God to cast out many unclean spirits from various people, young and old, men and women, across thirty some years.
In Dealing with Demons, he shares some of his journey of faith and his journey of understanding of the things of God. He recounts portions of numerous individual case histories. He speaks of how unclean spirits enter, what damage they can cause, how they leave, and how we may use the power given to us in Christ Jesus to set people free. He gives numerous scriptures to support his arguments, and, when the argument is based more on experience and, while not contrary to scripture, is not clearly sustained by it either, he notes that too. This book should be a useful, helpful, and practical guide to dealing with demons.