Three volume package of books including, 40 Days to the Promise, New Beginnings, and Mentoring Mandate.
- 40 Days to the Promise. This is a book born out of adversity, learned in the crucible of experience. It is presented for the hungry believer who deeply desires to grow in God’s grace and purpose, while preparing for effective kingdom service. In this book, you will learn of the marvelous miracle of God’s grace, mercy, and power.
- New Beginnings: A Sure Foundation. There is a journey…there is a way; our relationship with Jesus is a way to our success, and having the Father is our destination (fulfilling our purpose). This book is written to help you, the new student, to learn the very principles necessary to follow Jesus fully, to come to know the Father intimately, and fulfill your destiny.
- Mentoring Mandate. There are two primary illustrations of training for men and women in ministry…really three when you consider Jesus, which of course, we always should. In the Old Testament, the Bible relates a spiritually significant story of the elder Prophet Elijah whose mantle of authority and anointing was passed on to his servant, Elisha (2 Kings 2). You may never receive a double portion of another man or woman of God’s anointing or gifting, but you can grow and mature in your own, just as Timothy did under Paul’s tutelage.