Author: George Runyan
Fit For Engagement is a book that comes from fifteen years of teaching on the subject of Spiritual Warfare for a discipleship ministry at The Rock Church in San Diego. The book lays a biblical foundation for victorious living through the overcoming life of Christ. It identifies the enemies of every believer.
It addresses the life of Christ in the believer and that the battle must be fought joined to others. It deals with evil, establishes the battle lines beginning in the Garden then address Christs battle in the wilderness. The author describes the “Agony of Gethsemane.” Next the author addresses how judgment is part of spiritual warfare. You will learn of God’s three-fold mandate given, first to Adam, then to Israel and fulfilled in Christ.
You will learn in detail about putting on the armor of God. The question “are demons real” will be answered. Finally, what it means to be a Christian Solider. Every new believer needs to read this book as well as those wanting to know more about overcoming the world, the flesh and the devil. Fit For Engagement is a major help in the discipling process for any believer. The book would be wonderful for any small group study. The book is full of scripture to support the writing and thoughts expressed within its pages.