A burning concern of most Christian leaders is to see their congregational members learn to study God’s Word in an effective and systematic fashion. Most Christians read the Word, some study it for a certain purpose (like writing a Bible College paper), but few truly study in a systematic fashion.
They want to grow deeper in the things of God. To ensure that one will stand in the day of temptation the Christian must have knowledge and wisdom. Knowledge comes from reading and meditating on the Word of God. Wisdom is the application of God’s Word to the individual’s life.
Fresh Manna is not a comprehensive book on hermeneutics; it is an introductory text, with a specific design to whet the appetite of the reader to desire to read and study the word of God for the rest of their life. As a lifelong learner, one who is enamored with the Book of all Books, my prayer is that it helps the student dig out the nuggets of truth falling more and more in love with the Lord of the Book…Jesus.
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