Some Hardly Simple Keys to Effective Parenting
A study on raising healthy children and teens…and surviving the process!
That is a bit of a mouthful, but I hope you get the point. Most people parent according to patterns unconsciously absorbed from their own childhood experiences, good or bad, which is modified or impacted by the culture in general, and specific cultural influences such as media, education, and yes, the church. In effect, most parents start out with the best of hopes and dreams, but tend to parent on auto pilot, rather than with a plan to fulfill the dream. The truth be told even for Christian parents, rarely do we consciously look at what God would desire in our parenting, or what the outcome should be from our parenting experience.
My hope is that this small book will be of practical help for parents who have the courage to “raise up children in the way they should go, with confidence in the Lord that when they are old (long beyond the teen years for certain) they will not forget what they have learned, but indeed pass it on with greater success to the next generation.