Pastor Brian’s passion is to see lives transformed by the power and love of God. Desiring that God’s sons and daughters would not only discover their gifts and talents but more importantly comprehend how much God delights in them and how affectionately they are loved. To know they were created for a divine purpose. His prophetic ministry helps people grasp these realities and empowers them to take a step(s) towards their tomorrows. One of his greatest joys is to see people in the presence of God and to see God’s people enjoy and cherish their relationship with the Lord and His people. Musings, A Daily Devotional is a result of that desire.
What Others Are Saying
Pastor Brian has a very powerful prophetic ministry. I have known Brian for more than 30 years. If there is one thing that I can say about his life and ministry it is that he is focused on hearing and speaking from the heart of God. He is not interested in just speaking any old word, but the fresh, intimate, life changing word of a loving Father addressed to His children. And when God speaks, it is important to take the time to hear Him out and understand just what He is saying. That is why “Musings” as a title is so fitting. These essays are a compilation of thoughts, spoken diversely in a daily walk pattern that must be contemplated in order for us to receive the heart and mind of God and walk in a way that is pleasing to Him. In a world that is more focused on amusement (not thinking) than musing (thinking), may this book challenge that pattern and cause all of us to ponder the great thoughts of God and follow after Him.
Ronald L. Bernier, Senior Pastor
Master Builder Ministries
have had the opportunity to minister with him on several occasions (he is a regular guest minister at my parish) and I have watched the Lord speak amazing words of encouragement over many people through him. The prophetic words that he has spoken over both me and my wife have been very encouraging and have come to fruition! Pastor Brian also has a deep heart for the Lord and his people. I would not hesitate for a moment to recommend his ministry to anyone looking to grow in the Lord and expand into the prophetic ministry.
Fr. Jim French
Rector, Holy Trinity Anglican Church Plainville, CT 06062
More than a quarter of a century has passed since I first met Pastor Brian Weeks. If I were to honor three men of God who have impacted me the most in my life, and in my work for the Lord, PB is one of them. He has earned this place because:His flexibility to hear the voice of God.His pedagogy: Even when the topics are of a complex nature the moment he speaks he brings clarity and understanding to his audience and people are convicted that God has spoken to them. His sense of duty. Everything he does he does well and with a spirit of excellence. These attributes inspire other people to follow his example. He is a visionary. During this last decade PB and I have journeyed together through many parts of Haiti. Whenever we go God uses him to speak to people prophetically. There is one question that is continually asked, “How does he know that?” My answer is I know that PB has the mouth and eyes of God having read what is in people’s lives.So PB is and remains a divine tool, a vessel of honor, full of integrity, a dispenser of truth, rightly dividing the word of God. All this is summarized by saying he is a simple servant of God.
Jean Carlo Thomas
Founder and President of New World Missions for Christ
For 25 years, Pastor Brian Weeks has been a friend to our family; an encouraging mentor to me – a pastor in a denomination not known for comfort with the charismatic experience of Holy Spirit; and a colleague of great integrity. That integrity is nowhere more evident than in Brian’s transparency of character and soul. To be trusted by him is one of the greatest compliments I can imagine. His willingness to share freely with others what he is learning, and his willingness to join in the spiritual adventure of others also marks Brian Weeks as a man of courage. He is no fool who rushes in with a word that may be ‘out of season’. He is a careful pastor with others; but with the revelations in his ‘musings’ blog, Pastor Brian took a further risk. In both, Brian has opened a door for others to experience how personal, how loving and how challenging it is to be in the embrace of Holiness and Perfect Love. There is nowhere else he would want to be. For those of us with that shared passion, I say thank you, PB.
The Very Reverend Susan Baker-Borjeson, M.Div, Retired, Diocese of Albany
President, Jubilate Deo Ministries Inc and Missionary
Pastor Brian is one of the most uniquely gifted ministers of the gospel I have ever met. I think the secret of his success lies in his potent combination of being both able to hear what the Lord is saying in a remarkably clear way, and being brave enough to convey what the Lord is saying in a clear way regardless of the context. The result of this combo is a pure sounding trumpet blast from heaven that, in my experience, sends shock waves into the lives of everyone that attends his meetings. I have experienced first hand the positively life changing impact God can have on an entire congregation through the ministry of a prophet of the Lord of Brian’s caliber. Praise be to God!
Tyler Slade
Former Youth Director of the Episcopal Diocese of Albany
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