Life is a journey (1 John 2:12-14). Our natural journey begins with conception; our spiritual journey begins with our new birth in Christ. As with all journeys there are certain principles that, if we adhere to them, will lead us to our destinations. Of course, take a wrong path and you could end up nearly anywhere. Jesus states, “I am the way, the truth and the life. No man comes to the Father but by me.” (John 14:6)
There is a journey…there is a way; our relationship with Jesus is a way to our success, and having the Father is our destination (fulfilling our purpose). This book is written to help you, the new student, to learn the very principles necessary to follow Jesus fully, to come to know the Father intimately, and fulfill your destiny.
Heaven is a wonderful, eternal byproduct of being born again. However, as wonderful as this is; we are born again to first see then enter the Kingdom of God. The kingdom includes heaven, as it is God’s rule over everything everywhere, but our journey is primarily on earth, preparing for heaven, by seeing and entering the journey of life to fulfill our kingdom purpose. John the Apostle, who was closest to Jesus during his ministry in Israel, describes our journey in three stages: children, young men, and fathers. (1 John 2:12-14)
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