Author-Richard Walters and Stan DeKoven
Writing a college research paper, a graduate level thesis or dissertation, or doing a doctoral project can be a frightening prospect! The purpose of this book is to take the fear and frustration out of the process so that you complete the task with success and a smile on your face. We respect what you have achieved thus far in your academic career and we are excited about what lies ahead for you. That is why we want to help you.
Between us we have written more than fifty books plus many training programs, articles, and research reports. We have supervised and evaluated hundreds and research projects—undergraduate through doctoral. Each of these projects required the same processes of planning, gathering information, organization, and expression into words to convey facts, persuade, and motivate other people.
We will pass on what we have learned: the systems, the rules, and especially the shortcuts! We have tried to keep the explanations brief and clear. The technical aspects of form and style follow the Publications Manual.
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