Reconciliation is the message of an exchanged life. Transformation is but the outworking of what Christ has already accomplished for us through his death, burial, resurrection, and ascension to the throne…and of course, we are seated with him, far above all created things. We must, if we are going to discuss change or trans-formation, recognize that as believers we do not start from zero, but from the finished work of Christ which makes us already whole, complete, perfect (mature), and fully capable of fulfilling our divine destiny.
We may be growing in God’s grace, or we may be resistant to change, but no matter how hard we try, we cannot resist change. Though change cannot be resisted, it can be managed, even benefited from it, and we can certainly participate in the changes we face. This book is all about helping us to know what and how to change, to become all God has created us to be.
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