One entire shelf of my personal library is filled with books on eschatology, about 100 of them, representing a daunting array of “schools” of Bible Prophecy, each with its own ideas of what will happen in the “last days”, the time just before and just after the Second Coming of Christ. One would have to be braver than I to insist that a new book presents the final solution of the question! Indeed, I haven’t so much as tried to present a definitive system of eschatology – that is, the study of the last things. What this book does attempt, without endorsing or denying any of the diverse schools, it to draw a picture of all that the Bible definitely affirms about the glorious hope of the church, which is the return of the Savior to establish the eternal Kingdom of God. Are there signs of his coming that we can observe? How will he come? What will be the result? When and how will the church be raptured? What judgments will occur? All these questions, and many others, are raised in these pages, and are answered, your author hopes, sensibly from scripture. But there’s only one way to find out. Read the book yourself!, the time just before and just after the Second Coming of Christ. One would have to be braver than I to insist that a new book presents the final solution of the question! Indeed, I haven’t so much as tried to present a definitive system of eschatology – that is, the study of the last things. What this book does attempt, without endorsing or denying any of the diverse schools, it to draw a picture of all that the Bible definitely affirms about the glorious hope of the church, which is the return of the Savior to establish the eternal Kingdom of God. Are there signs of his coming that we can observe? How will he come? What will be the result? When and how will the church be raptured? What judgments will occur? All these questions, and many others, are raised in these pages, and are answered, your author hopes, sensibly from scripture. But there’s only one way to find out. Read the book yourself!
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