From June 1994 until the verdict in the O.J. Simpson murder trial in October 1995, the whole world was transfixed on the problem of domestic violence. At one point I toyed with the idea of writing a book titled “The O.J. Symptom” regarding domestic violence, but thought better of it. Eventually, I did write a book, motivated by my personal experience growing up in a dysfunctional home, and the hope of helping others deal with this often unspoken but frequent problem in the church today.
This month is Domestic Violence month or whatever…as such, many in the church and outside are focusing on this scourge caused by sin in the world. My book, Patterns of Destruction deals with Domestic Violence and child abuse head on…if you are looking for a resource…or get the booklet, A Christian Response to Family Violence for a quick read on the subject, available this month at discounted prices.
October is Domestic Violence Month

For many, domestic violence, whether spousal or child abuse were issues we heard about but did not talk about, especially when they happened in the church. Pretending a problem is not a problem never solves the problem…and for certain, domestic violence remains a problem in the church and without, effecting thousands of lives each year, and hampering people’s ability to love God and others.
During October Domestic Violence month, we want to offer my book, Patterns of Destruction, and the course on Domestic Violence that the book is based upon to anyone interested at a significantly reduced price. The book is filled with practical insights into cycle of violence, and how to stop it when willing to face the truth and deal with the underlying causes.
Special on the Domestic Violence Courses by Dr. Stan DeKoven
Course CC 406 no credit $39 plus book
Course CC 406 Bachelor level credit –Counseling and Family Violence $300 slashed to $200 plus book
Course CO 540 Graduate level credit — Crisis Counseling $ 450 slashed to $299 plus book