Proverbs 3:3-4: “Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. Then you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man.”
Dear Vision update friends;
I wrote this a couple of days ago to our Gideon’s 300 major donors (who give $100 a month or more to Vision to underwrite our international outreach, for information see It seems apropos for our update as well.
I suppose Valentine’s day and President’s day are the big events for February. I always enjoyed Valentine’s day with Karen (the mother of my children), and no doubt will with Joan this year (my bride to be). Though fun, I am not sure how important the celebration of erotic love is in an already highly sexualized culture. Of course, President’s day can be problematic for many as well…with the Trump haters, Obama haters…well, just simply haters seeming to multiple. Anyway, I do celebrate romantic love, as it is a gift from God to be shared in and through marriage, as God ordained, and I am grateful that our democracy, and its relative freedoms are still maintained in America…and it is always important to remember that presidents come and presidents go…so be grateful that we serve an eternal King…that is Jesus!
In this update, you will hear from Dr. Malcolm Webber with a wonderful article on the need for empathy. There is also an update for aspiring authors on how to write your first book. If you just need help getting started, this is a must read.
This month I start some in country travel, but must stay close to home as we move ahead diligently in pursuit of a property for Vision. We will soon release our key re-branding questionnaire, expertly designed by The Prodigal company, which should yield results to help us minister more strategically moving forward. So, again…
I want to thank you for your continued prayers, your support, and most importantly your friendship. Remember, gifts to Vision are being used to underwrite our programs in the nations…we are so grateful, and mightily blessed!
Reminders for Prayer
We need new Gideon 300 members so that we can continue in our mission. Remember, our primary goals include:
- Adding 50 new students this fall.
- Starting 4 new church based colleges in the United States….one is already in.
- My up and coming (April 28) wedding to the beautiful Joan Smith.
- Purchase of the property in Ramona.
- Complete and implement the re-branding process for Vision.
Blessings to all,
Dr. Stan