Don’t let another year pass. It is time to get off of the proverbial pot and get started!
For every author I have sending me a manuscript to publish, there are at least ten others who tell me they have a book in them, but don’t know where to begin. It is a common ailment. Pastors, teachers, stay at home moms, business executives, or _______________. You fill in the blank. Everyone has a story to tell! Many feel led to put the story, the life lesson, the bible study, or the sermon on paper, but how? How do you begin when you don’t know where to begin? Would a writing mentor help? Someone who has been down the wrting path many times and can help you begin the journey?
The truth is, writing is not easy…and some have nothing more than ideas. Yet, that is great, it is the beginning. Along with an idea one needs to focus on the one idea you are most passionate about. What about you? What are you passionate about? Which story is screaming the loudest in your head to be heard?
The Gift that Keeps on Giving
Our staff at Vision Publishing deliver many gifts in our dynamic one day seminar. One gift is helping the budding author find their beginning. First, we help you choose a topic, then we walk you through the development of your manuscript, step by step. Finally, we guide you through the publishing process to a finished book. In a few short hours you can have a topic, title, outline, and a detailed completion plan. We even educate our writers on the next steps such as marketing, website development, etc.
Would a writing workshop or mentoring program help you and your friends get moving forward in 2018 to get your book published? Your book is just one email or phone call away. Let us help you fullfill your book writing dreams. Contact us today!
P.S. Vision Publishing, and its sister, Vista publishing (for specialty books that our outside of the scope of equipping and education) have successfully published over 160 titles featuring over 55 different authors…we would be delighted to help you bring your life message to the world.