Vision Happenings and Spring Promises!
Ask rain from the LORD at the time of the spring rain– The LORD who makes the storm clouds; And He will give them showers of rain, vegetation in the field to each man. Zechariah 10:1
I remember being in a conference, hearing Bishop Joseph Garlington preach from this scripture. His take on it was that the best time to ask for God’s blessings was when the blessings were falling already. Well, I like that, and this could be one way of looking at it. Of course in context, from a half empty glass view, it does us no good to ask for rain when it is not rainy season. My sense is that we are in that season, a season of true blessings. I suppose asking for the rain of God’s provision is good anytime, as long as the blessings are for his purposes…and they are!
Vision is both asking for rain in the rainy season (the season of God’s outpouring of blessings), and anticipating even more rain…which will provide for us the abundance needed for the mission God has called us to. This rain of blessing is not just for us, but for all who are connected to us. So far, as we enter Spring, God has blessed us through faithful friends with over 3 quarters of the down payment on our new Headquarters building. We have another 10% pledged and promised…and my faith has been strengthened to believe for the overflow…to reach the full measure of God’s blessings…funding for our building and even our accreditation. Why not?…God is good, it is Spring, the time of blessing is here…so I am asking, seeking and knocking…there shall be showers of blessing!
In this Vision Update we have several things to share with you, our partners and friends.
They include:
• My blog…which I hope you get. If not, I do hope you sign up while it is still free!
• My high school friend, Andy Smith, has written a dynamic book. It is based upon the horrible loss of his beautiful daughter
• Resources to help folks struggling with grief and loss.
Reminder for Continued Prayer
We continue to need help. We need to add new Gideon 300 members so we can continue our mission. Remember, our primary goals include:
• Adding 10 new students this Spring.
• Starting 4 new church based colleges in the United States….two down, two to go.
• My up and coming (April 28) wedding to the beautiful Joan Smith.
• Purchase of the property in Ramona…we are almost there!
• Complete and implement the re branding process for Vision.
Your faithful assistance in giving is what sustains us in our work. God is good. Your gifts are so helpful, especially as we move forward to reach the nations, prepare leaders and assist churches worldwide. You make a difference in the lives of so many national and international leaders…and your gifts make a difference for King Jesus and me!
Yours in Christ,

The Whole Word to the Whole World”