In a conversation with my dear friend and spiritual leader, Ken Chant, he expressed some sentiments on the needs of America. In brief, he stated “With the incredible social, economic, political and spiritual problems in America, the only hope (for her) is a good dictatorship!” Well, perhaps some would see this as an oversimplification, or genuinely appalling, but there is some truth in Dr Chant’s words.
Every four years in the United States, a new President is elected who promises “change.” It seems our country embraces the reality of our problems, and many believe that a charismatic leader of our representative democracy could make the changes sought. Though I pray for and hope that our President makes positive changes, the truth remains that the problems in our society (or any for that matter) are too great for one man, even if he/she was a benevolent dictator. Our country, as with most nations, is desperate for leaders who can make a difference in industry, business, government, and in the Church. The key to success, in any culture, is to rest on the shoulder of its leaders. More than ever, we need Godly leaders to take serious their call and make an impactful difference.
There are two places or positions where leaders are desperately needed. You may be surprised by my perspective. I list them in priority:
The Family – recent studies indicate that 70% of marriage partners come from broken homes. Single parent family systems (usually the mother) is becoming the norm. The effects of the absent father, whether due to divorce, death or social withdrawal, is being felt now more than ever. The breakdown of moral values and biblical absolutes leave mother and child without the safety of a healthy boundary. The need for leadership, in proper biblical order (Ephesians 5:1 and 1 Peter 3) is needed, and must become a priority of the Church and nation, if the child is to thrive, and not merely survive.
The Church – Gilbert Cann, in his book Liberating Leadership states, “I learned that God places in the hearts, minds, and wills of young believers a strong desire for direction, counsel, help, discernment, support and encouragement of older Christians.”[1]
This is especially seen in the inner city. With the absence of leadership in the home, children look to other places for role identification and self-image establishment. How tragic for so many that the models available are seen on T.V. or the silver screen, or worse yet, in the drug pusher, prostitute, or young leader on the block. The church, which should be a haven of rest, a hospital for the hurting, a home for the wayward, is perceived as a cold, heartless institution more interested in one’s dress, clichés and offerings than the condition of the soul. This perception is profound and is perpetuated by the media and the Church itself.

The Apostle Paul wrote to Titus (Titus 2) to encourage the older men and older women in the faith to care for the younger. The call of every ministry leader is to “Lead and Feed” the sheep (see John 21). When the church remembers its central focus of establishing the Kingdom of God as expressed in righteousness (right moral relations with God, self and/or another) peace (tranquillity and rest in God) and joy (happiness and contentment with purpose) through its leaders, and the transformation of society will begin.
Certainly, we need leadership in other areas. We need educators, business executives, politicians, etc. to fulfill Godly expectations for the administration of justice, mercy and humility. If the home and church are functioning as God intended, the leaders, so desperately needed in other fields, would emerge.
It is my belief that leaders are developed in the crucible of relationships; as is biblical character formed in faithful men and women. The character of man is much more important than the charisma and when both are found in proper measure, sprinkled with a large measure of knowledge, understanding, wisdom, and the Spirit of God, dynamic leaders are produced.
Leadership ultimately begins with God and will end with God, and is in His hands at all points in between. God has chosen to work with men (Emmanuel, God with us) to fulfill this glorious purpose. He chooses leaders, and intends success for each one. In any case, He begins in the counsel of his own will, and with a vision.
[1] Cann, G., Liberating Leadership, p 39, 1989