In the year 2011, it was my privilege to present a series of messages to a dynamic church in Fontana California; Fontana Christian Fellowship International, pastored by Gary and Gina Holly. This year’s sermon series was titled Freedom in Christ: Living the Abundant Life. Living a Christian life is not always easy. In fact, some say it’s impossible for us to live the Christian life. All we can do is allow the life of Christ, which is essentially Jesus himself, to become fully expressed through us. In many ways, that is the theme of this booklet.
Finding true freedom in Christ does not come by our self-effort or by great striving. It does not come by our first class prayer or by our intense study in the word of God, although all of these things are good. In fact, we live the life of Christ by allowing Christ to live his life through us, where he fully expresses the heart of a loving Father to the world. Thus, it is my hope that as God gives grace, this small book will be a blessing to many in the body of Christ who struggle with the concept of freedom.
What is freedom and how do we fully gain the inheritance of the abundant life Christ has obtained for us, by his death, burial, resurrection and ascension? We know that Christ is seated at the right hand of the Father in glory, and that we are seated with him in the spirit. We are far above principalities and powers, living in righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit…now.
It is inherent for every believer to find their role in the life of the church, and to find out what the word of God says about this important concept. It is fully discussed by Paul in Second Corinthians 3:17-18.
“For the Lord is the spirit and where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty. But we all with unveiled face beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory just as from the Lord; the Spirit”

In the context of Paul’s writing in 1 Corinthians, he teaches specifically on the greater glory found in Christ, rather than the glory found in Moses and the Ten Commandments. He provides a contrast to the glory of the Old Covenant depicted here as seen in the face of Moses. Moses covered his face when coming down the mountain from his encounter with God. It was not because God’s glory was too magnificent, but rather because the glory (that is the light reflected from the face of Moses) had faded after he left the Lord’s presence. There was glory in the Old Covenant, but not the same level of glory we find in the New Covenant in Christ through the shedding of his blood.
You could say what is contrasted here is the difference between the outer presence of God; or his glory, goodness and grace with the inner presence of God. (This is a concept that will be defined more clearly later in this text.) It is the awareness and the reality that by the Holy Spirit, Christ lives in us. He is expressing who he is through us, both as individuals and within the body of Christ.
To be continued soon.
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