The Vision International Training and Education Network has divided the world into 15 zones. Each zone is represented by a highly qualified zone leader who has been assigned to their respective geographical region. They are faculty members and coordinate the resource centers, curriculum translation projects, and national teaching staff within their zone. They work to strategically establish national leadership for expanding the Vision Network. By the hundreds, bible colleges are being started, leaders are being trained, and churches are being planted all over the world.
Our newest zone leaders are Pastor Lucas Santana for Brazil and Dr. Darryl Webb for the Caribbean.
Dr. Webb has a long list of accomplishments, too numerous to list in this small article. In part, he is:
- Director of LIGHTHOUSE MINISTRIES INTERNATIONAL - CEO and Founder, Global Financial - Recently appointed through the UN to a new arm called GDM,
- Regional Director of Economic Development Caribbean region.
- Assisting Pastors and leaders to be published / setting up their own church bookstores
- Apostle over Light House Ministries International church network
In addition, Dr. Webb is married to Kathy Webb, His wife of 50 years. They have 5 children and 11 grandchildren. They served 13 years in Japan, overseeing Global Ministries International, a network of over 300 nonprofits, and businesses. Also Dr. Webb has a B.A. Theology/Business, an M.A. in Ministry, a Doctorate in Counseling, and an Doctorate in Leadership.
He has a new book soon to be published by Vision Publishing, entitled “Following God’s Footsteps.” As the owner and CEO of Tri-Legacy Films International, he is also making a feature length film, “The System.” Dr. Webb is the owner of Salt and Light Christian Book and Gift Stores.
Below is a full list of all of our current zone leaders and the zones that they serve:
The zone leader for North America is Dr. Tal Klaus; for Australiasia it is Dr. Denis Plant. Our new Brazilian zone leader is Pastor Lucas Santana; and our new Caribbean zone leader is Dr. Darryl Webb. Dr. John Delgado is zone leader of Latin America; Dr. Gail Stathis is zone leader for western Europe; Eastern Europe and Russia is Dr. Ronald Bernier. The Mediterranean zone leader is Dr. Brian Van Deventer. Zone leader of Africa and the Middle East is Dr. Steve Mills; Central Asia is Dr. Kim Sam Song; India Subcontinent Zone is Dr. Yvette D’Souza; and the zone leader for south East Asia is Dr. John Ezekiel. China is currently open. The zone leader for Central/South America is Guillermo Paul Jokisch Gaede; and last but not least we have Dr. Kobin Archary, the zone leader for South Africa.